Hatred Day by T.S. Pettibone Blog Tour with review

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Hatred Day by T.S. Pettibone
(Hatred Day, #1)
Publication date: January 29th 2016
Genres: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Young Adult

In the year 2052, it’s not love but hate that unites the world. Humanity is unified against the Inborns, an extraterrestrial species with godlike intelligence and abilities whose arrival on earth caused an environmental and biological crisis.

Enslaved and despised even by her own Inbornkind, 18-year-old Snofrid reawakens to the world after having her memories stolen and is certain of only one thing: she will do anything to ensure her freedom. But her resolution is soon tested when the son of a high-ranking human official is murdered and her home city becomes the center of the interspecies war, one that might see the Inborns purged. Desperate to find a way out of the city for herself and her family, Snofrid risks making a deal with the manipulative Inborn Commander, Hadrian, and his brutal cadre of soldiers. Her task is simple: take part in a historic hunt that will bring wealth and fame to all who survive. Unfortunately, Snofrid’s role is one in which survival is rarely seen—the bait.


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My Review: 

In the year 2052 Earth has what is known as Hatred Day. A day marking the day that an alien race known as Inborns came to Earth and whose arrival on earth caused an environmental and biological crisis. Snofrid Yagami has been enslaved and hated even by her own Inborn kind and finds herself awakening to find that part of her memory has been stolen.

Sno is determined to do whatever she can to ensure her freedom and find out what happened to her memory. When an interspecies war breaks out after the death of a high-ranking human Sno finds herself desperate to find a way out of the city and save herself so she ends up making a deal with Hadrian, an Inborn Commander. Hadrian’s offer is for Sno to become the bait needed to help win the war.

Hatred Day is one of those reads that has a bit of mix in the genres having both elements of sci-fi and fantasy and even a touch of dystopian with it being set in a world at war. The book is action packed and takes off right from the start of the read. I did feel this made it a bit tougher to keep up with what was actually going on jumping in so early but once the world building got going it became easier to understand.

Once understanding a bit more of this read and getting to know the characters I found myself engaged in the action. I did wonder a tad about the memory loss since Sno seemed to function as if she were normal for most of the read. But the dark and brutal world this is set in is certainly something different to my normal reading so I found myself overlooking the few flaws in the beginning once we learn of the war and plot.

Overall, 3.5 stars for Hatred Day, a pretty good read and start to this new series with a mix to the genres. Check this one out for one fast paced, action packed brutal adventure.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


T.S. Pettibone are the authors of The Hatred Day Series. Expected publication for book two, Verdict Day, is 2017.

T.S. Pettibone is the pen name of identical twins, Brittany and Nicole Pettibone. They were born in California, grew up in Kansas, and these days, live and write in California. On the rare occasion that they break from writing, they enjoy taking their dog on night walks, reading books by long deceased authors, drinking too much coffee and tea, traveling the world, making friends out of strangers and trying new things.

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