Treasured by Crystal Jordan

TreasuredTreasured by Crystal Jordan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Rebecca Small works at the local museum setting up the displays but with her obsession with the past she doesn’t mind her job at all. Her biggest obsession is the famous pirate James Morrow who had vanished at sea. Her daydreams of herself and James are ones to make anyone blush but she can’t help but get a little steamy while being near James’ display.

Once Rebecca touches the pirate’s antique sword though she finds herself on a pirate ship in the middle of a battle. More realistic than any of her daydreams Rebecca doesn’t know quite what happened with just that one touch but the next thing she knows she is with the focus of her obsession, the one and only James Morrow.

Treasured was a rather steamy little quick read novella. The idea behind this story that Rebecca time travels back to the days of her pirate obsession and the reasoning behind it was actually quite a good one.

One thing I found though with this read is that it jumped right into the erotic and the plot seemed somewhat of an afterthought at times even though it was a rather nice one for this kind of read. The sexual parts however got a bit repetitive for such a short read.

Overall, not too bad of an idea for a steamy little novella. A quick read for the fans of the erotic romance genre.

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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